Oma’s Morning Glory Muffins
My late mother, aka Oma, used to say “you could live on these!” because they were so full of good ingredients. When my two boys were ski racing in college, she would bring these to the ski lodges at the base of the race courses, and the racers would all converge on Oma asking for one of her muffins! Oma passed in June of this year, and we all miss her dearly. ~ Nancy
Pep’s Perfect Margaritas!
While I was always too young to indulge in my grandfather’s margaritas (always served on Christmas Eve), I sure do enjoy them now from time to time with the recipe passed down to my mom. I love any margarita that skips the sour mix, but fair warning, these can be a bit strong. Sit back, relax and sip accordingly. ~ Whitney
The Difference Between PR And Advertising, And Where The Lines Are Fading
PR and advertising both help build awareness and generate sales, but they have many differences, too. Find out what sets them apart and how the lines are fading in this blog post.
An Overview: The History of Public Relations
How did public relations evolve into the industry we know today? You may be surprised to find out how exactly PR came to be…
Strategies Vs. Tactics: Understanding The ‘Why’ And ‘How’ In PR
What is the difference between strategies and tactics? ... "why" and "how."
How Publicists And Marketers Can Begin To Adapt To Web3
What challenge do publicists and marketers face today?... the digital age.
Diary of a PR Intern at Marshall Communications #12
This week I formatted Marshall Communications' monthly e-newsletter, and learned the importance of a buisness' culture.
3 Ways To Help Your Hiring Process
Human capital is everything, so find the right employees, and your business will innovate and grow in ways that were once unimaginable.
Diary of a PR Intern at Marshall Communications #11
This week I wrote two pitches on interesting events, and learned how the lows in life can teach you lessons for the better.
Diary of a PR Intern at Marshall Communications #10
This week I worked on researching a media contact list, and learned the importance of using LinkedIn to network.
Diary of a PR Intern at Marshall Communications #9
This week I share how I distributed a press release for the first time, and learned the importance of personal branding.
LinkedIn: Are You Taking Advantage Of The World’s Largest Professional Network?
Most people understand that networking is important to career success, but many fail to harness the full power of LinkedIn.