Have you defined your personal brand?
Thinking of yourself as a brand may be a new way of thinking for you, but it’s vital in your personal and professional life. Your brand is a promise you make to deliver on your unique value proposition.
As more and more people recognize and connect with your brand, it grows stronger and gains brand equity. This brand equity is your most valuable asset as you build your professional career, and in my view, it adds to personal happiness in life.
Your brand manifesto is the foundation of your personal brand.
It communicates the credentials and integrity of your personal background.
It establishes your reputation, which is a vital element in your career success.
It’s what makes you distinctive.Your brand grows stronger over time as more and more people get to know, like and trust you.
A brand is a promise that you make to your family, friends, customers, clients, peers and everyone you meet. It is the reason they trust you, and the reason people like you. It helps you build your personal network of people who will be there for you when you need them, throughout your lifetime.
My intent is to help you articulate that promise, which will, in turn, help you discover your personal brand.
Everyone has a personal brand.
Everyone has personal brand, and my job is to help ‘package’ it, and make sure it is easily found on the internet. Through a strategy that includes personal networking, speaking engagements, media interviews and participation in online social networks, you will share your brand and your distinctive messages with the world.
Whether you are an executive, author, celebrity or consultant, I’ll help you discover and communicate your personal brand.
For organizations and companies, building the credentials of each individual member on the leadership team will show the world that the organization is being guided by a strong team with a good reputation and unquestionable integrity.