Category: Branding

Why It’s Invaluable When People Say ‘I’ve Heard Of You’

What does it mean when someone says, “I’ve heard of you”? It means that your brand has value, and hearing that only adds more positive capital to your brand.

4 Tips for Bridging the Gap Between Your Expertise and Your Passion

Sensico Systems co-founder and CEO Piali De shares her journey to turn her knowledge of physics and AI into a platform that’s transforming health care for communities who need it.

This Hospitality Pro Has ‘A Lot of Bosses’ (AKA, His Customers) — Here’s Why That’s Important

Sugarloaf general manager Karl Strand shares what he’s learned about representing a place that means so much to so many.

How One Outdoorsman Turned His Love of Camping into Crua, an Innovative Crowdfunded Company

Crua Outdoors CEO Derek O’Sullivan shares the details of the company’s crowdfunding strategy and how it has helped the team build brand awareness.

Time To Get Everyone Singing From The Same Song Sheet With A Message Map

How do you establish trust? The first and most important step is to map out the key messages that you hope will resonate with your target audience.

Haters Gonna Hate

A strong brand has the power to both attract and repel...

Branding and the Importance of Consistency

Maintaining brand consistency helps build your brand recognition and protects you from copy-cats. Know the value of your brand and work to safeguard it.

What The Ski Industry Can Teach Us About High-Tech, High-Touch PR

Working in the ski industry taught me about the power of combining in-person and high-tech communications.

Remember: You Are Not The Target Audience

Picking the right audience can turn an otherwise average PR campaign into a resounding success. Choosing the wrong audience, however, can derail even the best-laid talking points.

Marketing Minute #12: Positioning yourself as an expert

Everyone wants to buy from an expert. Whatever your product or service, it is helpful if you and your team are experts in your field.