Category: Building Relationships

How to Make an Impression on a New Contact

Listen to them talk and remember their name. My mom taught me one of the most important business lessons even though she wasn’t a business person. As a matter of fact, she was a preschool teacher, and I believe that a lot of the skills and techniques she used with her four-year-old students apply to […]

How a strong network helped save the day

A couple years ago, I was devastated when my agency lost a large contract we had held for nearly 20 years. I felt my world was crashing down. One of my long-time professional and personal friends said, “Don’t worry, Nancy, your network will take care of you.” We began reaching out to our network to […]

Audit and Enhance Your Personal Brand in Six Easy Steps

Everyone has a personal brand, whether they are intentional about developing and managing it or not.

Feeling like a Candidate for Governor as I Speak to Groups Around Maine

I am not running for Governor, however, in the past two weeks, I have spoken to groups in 12 communities around the state of Maine, which might be as many as some of the gubernatorial candidates! I’ve been speaking to groups of business owners about topics that I’m really passionate about, including using the Internet […]

Mapping Your Network

“The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.” Epictetus I believe that your network of contacts is the foundation of your brand. The people who are closest to you, who will vouch for you, who will refer you for jobs or business, and who trust […]