Posted on: June 16, 2017
I admit it. I am an extreme extrovert. I love talking to people, meeting new people, connecting with people and having fun with people. For me, life is about the people I know, the people I admire, and ultimately the people I love.
So, when I organize my ‘to do’ list as a ‘people to talk to’ list, it’s a lot more palatable.
When you think about it, many of your tasks are about talking to others. Here are ten examples of various professions and how their jobs involve talking to other people rather than working alone:
- Sales: Perhaps this is the most obvious example. If you are in sales, you need to connect with prospects in order to convince them to buy your product or service. You may need to do other tasks to prepare for sales meetings, but even those tasks might involve talking to others. You might need to talk to the designer to create your business cards and brochures, to the printer to print those items and to the company that makes the tchotchkes that display your logo and web address.
- Account management: If you are in charge of managing accounts for your company, you need to talk with your clients and others on your team who provide services to the clients.
- Bookkeeping: This seems to be a solitary kind of job, but you might need to talk to the payroll company, the employees on your team, the vendors you work with, and the clients who owe you money.
- Maintenance: if you are in charge of maintaining a facility, it’s a good idea to have positive interactions with the people who use your facility. That might make them more inclined to help you take care of the physical plant.
- Copywriting: In order to be a really good writer, you need to be a good researcher, and that typically involves interviewing people who are experts in the field you are writing about.
- Human resources: If you are in charge of human resources, then you should be talking to those humans! Nuff said.
- Health care: Have you noticed how doctors and even nurses focus more of their attention on computer screens than on you as the patient these days? I do not like this trend. Health care workers need to make a human connection with their patients and that means looking into their eyes while they are communicating with you. Staring at a computer screen does not encourage healthy exchange of information and thoughts.
- Photography and design: Taking photos typically involves setting up a shoot, or a scene, and it helps to have others involved in setting that up. Design involves creating something for others to enjoy and look at or use, so it’s a good idea to engage others in the process.
- Making things: If you are making things for others, it’s a good idea to connect with the ultimate user and see how they are going to use what you make, in order to make it better.
- Transportation: Whether you are a pilot, taxi driver, ship captain, or a truck driver, you are providing a service for other people to either move them around or move their things around. Ultimately, it’s important to communicate with these people and make sure they are getting the service they want and need.
As you can see, most professions involve working with other people and communicating with them. If you are an extrovert, it’s a good idea to make a list that involves others. Here’s an example of a ‘to do’ list that will appeal to extroverts:
- Call prospective client.
- Write letter to customers.
- Organize meeting for employee team.
- Visit office supply store and ask sales representative about products.
- Interview prospective employees.
- Ask current customers for referrals.
- Connect with influencers on LinkedIn and other social networks.
- Thank support people for doing a great job helping you.
- Arrange for lunch with a friend.
- Call your mother.
Next up: help for extreme introverts in navigating a social world.