The Value of Writing Guest Opinion Columns and Letters to the Editor
A great way for you to get your name out there and position yourself as a thought leader in your community.

Top 3 reasons to use PR instead of advertising
“What’s the difference between advertising and public relations?” is one of the top questions that we get asked by new and prospective clients.

Put Your Stake in the Ground: Establish Your Unique Point of View
Personal branding is all about differentiating yourself from all the other people who do the same thing you do.

Domain Authority, Page Authority and Spam Score: What You Need to Know
While many digital marketers will argue that domain authority is the most important search engine ranking factor, it is only one piece of the puzzle. Page authority and spam score also impact search engine rankings and are directly related to the domain authority score.

Get ready for an amazing 2018!
See some tips for making 2018 great, and some of our top 2017 blog posts.

Harnessing the Power of Conversational Marketing — The Conclusion
Elements of a Conversational Marketing Campaign: As with any marketing strategy, a comprehensive approach will generate far more results than putting all of your eggs into one basket. Following is a list of standard marketing strategies we’ve approached from the conversational marketing perspective:

Vetting Media: Influencers
When it comes to digital marketing for the travel industry – one of our company’s areas of expertise – we get our fair share of influencers requesting to collaborate with our clients for a feature or takeover. We enjoy working with influencers and always try to make sure their goals, objectives and overall content matches […]

Harnessing the Power of Conversational Marketing — Part Two
Though the basic principles of conversational marketing have remained unchanged, technology has vastly extended its reach. We can now communicate across the globe at light speed. People are talking again. Social media has enabled us to exchange opinions about anything, from our favorite brand of ice cream to the President’s performance, for the world to read.

Harnessing the Power of Conversational Marketing — Part One
Consider this scenario: You arrive at an after-work cocktail party. You see Joan from the office heading in your direction. Mark, another co-worker, walks in behind you. Who do you speak to first? From past experience, you know Joan will talk about her winning golf game, her genius son, and the long hours she’s been putting in for the company. You also know her eyes will be scanning the room throughout the conversation.

Are you using social media for your business to its full potential? Ask yourself these 5 questions.
By Megan Crowder, Marshall Communications Account Coordinator/Social Media Strategist Social mediaFind yourself having a case of social anxiety? Don’t worry, that’s very common when it comes to approaching digital marketing on several platforms. The first step is simple—you know your brand. Now it’s time to know the platforms specific to your brand and how to […]

An Incredibly Easy Way to Keep Your Brand on Track
By Account Supervisor Jessica Donahue Whether you’re the lone wolf in your business or you manage a group of 200 plus, a style guide and template toolkit will help keep your brand and message on point. Marketing initiatives can take any shape or form if not given guidelines. A designer who’s unfamiliar with your business […]

Seven Steps to Telling Your Company’s Story
Storytelling is a big theme in marketing today, yet few businesses recognize the power a compelling company story can have in building consumer trust and increasing sales. A company’s story is a narrative about what it does, what it stands for, and what makes it exceptional.