By Nancy Marshall, The PR Maven®

AI Is Here To Stay, But It's No Match For Humans In PR And Marketing

With the emergence of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence chatbots, many professionals are concerned about AI’s impact on their respective industries. On a daily basis, the anxiety and nervousness are palpable.

Will ChatGPT disrupt my industry? Will it replace my job? How do I compete with AI? These questions are common and legitimate, and the answers to them remain to be seen. That’s the nature of disruption: It’s not easy to predict whether and to what extent the status quo will change, and it can be hard to cope when change seems inevitable.

But it’s important not to overreact. While AI chatbots like ChatGPT are poised to fundamentally alter the nature of work, now is not the time to panic. Armageddon is not upon us.

Humans Beings Still Matter

Humans are still needed, especially in industries like public relations and marketing—those that are seemingly ripe for disruption. Employers still need qualified, creative people who can conceive and execute on projects that are too high-level for AI. With the right skills and experience levels, workers and job seekers are still valuable. After all, employers are nothing without the employees who add value for clients and customers.

Writing an obituary for human capital is premature, especially at a time when employee attraction and retention are top priorities for the majority of U.S. companies. There’s a reason why employers are competing for talent.

Let’s take a look at PR as a case study: ChatGPT is already at a level where it can replicate entry-level writing, responding to basic prompts and handling basic tasks. But it is nowhere close to developing high-level strategies and tactics—deciding whether to pursue traditional or digital advertising, when to place an op-ed column or send out a press release, or how to create content that can make it to Forbes or the Wall Street Journal.

Want to analyze federal labor legislation or a First Amendment-focused legal document? Good luck using AI. How about digesting a 20-page report and turning it into a 500-word column on political polarization? You’re still better off using a real-world expert. Thought leadership—decades of expertise cultivated through trial and error—cannot be replaced by AI, at least not yet. Subject matter expertise remains one of the most valuable currencies in PR. That forms the basis for brand marketing, not ChatGPT.

AI Is Just Another Tool

In the marketing industry, times have already changed, but they have not eliminated the need for smart marketers who can think outside the box. If you harken back to the emergence of social media in the early 2000s, it was easy to find much of the same anxiety and nervousness that dominate discourse today, but the likes of Facebook and Twitter did not make marketers obsolete. Social media platforms did not destroy the U.S. economy.

Social media became a tool that the best marketers learned to harness, and they are harnessing it today on behalf of clients and customers to reach millions of people. Marketing did not cease to exist; much of it just shifted from traditional newspapers and local billboards to Instagram ads and Google keywords. The mediums changed, but the people behind the success simply evolved. They applied themselves differently.

That’s how we need to look at ChatGPT and other forms of AI: They are useful tools that the best people will learn how to leverage successfully. AI has become another tool in the toolbox, just like social media did, and more traditional advertising did decades earlier.

When the first press release went out in 1906, it didn’t end the era of journalism. Nor did PR become exclusively press release dependent. The press release—still popular today—was simply added to a larger toolbox for PR professionals to use.

In the same way that agencies like mine don’t always send out press releases for our clientele, depending on the campaign or project at hand, people won’t always use AI. Its use (or not) will depend on the case.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Change—Adapt To It

Don’t fear technology and the disruption it causes. Instead, rewire your thinking and try to take advantage of new technology. That involves learning and training, which are just as important today as they were in the early 1900s or early 2000s. Decades ago, I never thought that I would have my own podcast, but the times changed and I changed with them.

In PR, people learned how to send out press releases. They embraced podcasting. They trained themselves to harness new inventions to become even more successful in their industry. The same logic applies to other industries too.

There’s no point in fretting about ChatGPT. There’s no value in complaining about AI. It is here to stay. Now it’s up to human beings to adapt—as we’ve done for centuries.

This article originally appeared on the Forbes Agency Council CommunityVoice in June 2023.