Category: Forbes Agency Council
Podcasting And SEO Go Hand In Hand
Podcasting has become a powerful tool for thought leaders who use it to build community, network and showcase expertise through engaging content, enhancing brand visibility and trust.
Why You And Your Company Need Updated Headshots
A current, professional headshot is crucial for a strong impression and brand alignment, ensuring authenticity and trustworthiness in your online and in-person presence.
How To Integrate Earned, Social And Paid Media For Maximum Engagement
The best brands are everywhere. They don’t rely on one strategy or one platform; they promote themselves in numerous ways, reaching different audiences with each one and maximizing their engagement.
Here’s Why The Word Of The Year Is ‘Authentic’
Authenticity. You know it when you see it, and people are craving authenticity more than ever. For people who work in branding, this is incredibly important to recognize.
Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Google SEO For Client Acquisition
Whether you work in public relations or another industry, clients are the name of the game. In PR especially, word-of-mouth is critical. Even though word-of-mouth marketing is the foundation for many PR businesses, we cannot overlook the power of Google SEO.
3 Valuable PR Lessons To Learn From Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift has been everywhere, and her omnipresence provides valuable lessons for the entire public relations industry. In PR, we dream of making our clients a hot commodity. Swift’s success is essentially PR at its finest.
To Be A Successful Entrepreneur, You Need A Strong Network—Here’s Why
These days, headlines like “How to be an entrepreneur” are a dime a dozen. While there is no silver bullet, one thing is clear: Entrepreneurs take pride in building a strong network, which leads to a strong personal brand.
Important Lessons Learned As A Podcaster
Podcasting is big business. Over the years, this podcast has evolved in different ways, gaining new listeners and introducing them to a wide range of interesting guests. We have learned a lot about the art of podcasting along the way. Here are some of the key lessons.
Make Sure You Keep In Touch With Your Business Contacts
Keep in touch with your contacts. If you meet someone for the first time, do whatever you can to store their name away in your mind so when you need what they have to offer, you know where to look.
AI Is Here To Stay, But It’s No Match For Humans In PR And Marketing
With the emergence of artificial intelligence chatbots, many professionals are concerned about AI’s impact. Now is not the time to panic.