Posted on: April 21, 2020
Show Notes
Air Date: 4/21/2020
William Arruda is a motivational speaker, entrepreneur, author and the world’s leading authority on the topic of personal branding. He has been at the forefront of the field since its inception, teaching everyone from young adults to senior executives how to harness the power of authentic personal branding.
William is the creator of 360Reach – the personal branding survey, which has been used by nearly two million professionals. He also created the Reach Personal Branding Certification Program which has certified over a thousand career and executive coaches in his methodology.
William’s true passion is spreading the message of personal branding through motivational speeches and interactive workshops. Over the past two decades, he has delivered 1,500+ keynotes and workshops in 31 countries. His clients include Adobe, BP, Disney, Garnier, Google, Gucci, IBM, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, Target, Warner Bros. and hundreds of other companies, universities and associations. He’s the bestselling author of the definitive books on personal branding: Career Distinction and Ditch. Dare. Do! His latest book, Digital YOU, takes his proven strategies to exciting new levels – helping readers translate their real-world brand for the digital world. William regularly shares his thoughts on the future of personal branding in his Forbes column. He holds a Master’s degree in Education.
In the episode:
3:18 – Nancy talks about how thankful she is of William’s help in distinguishing The PR Maven® and enabling her to become certified in personal branding.
5:38 – William describes how he started his career in branding, communications and marketing at IBM.
6:39 – William tells a story of the Fast Company article that inspired his company and how LinkedIn played a role.
8:36 – William lists the different ways to build their virtual brand based on what you love to do.
10:23 – Nancy and William talk about the power of an up-to-date LinkedIn profile that blends credibility with likability.
13:06 – William explains how important it is to create goals before starting a campaign or joining a social media network.
19:51 – William talks about how personal branding has changed since 1997, most notably with the growth of social media.
25:27 – William describes how professionals need to emphasize their uniqueness to make great impressions.
34:59 – William describes how he works with companies to improve their employee’s talents.
40:43 – William talks about how video has changed with COVID-19.
43:10 – William explains that he has built his network by offering value to his audience.
48:31 – William shares the resources he likes to use, such as using YouTube for learning something new.
50:16 – William leaves a parting thought to be yourself and not conform.
“Every single person has this unique ingredient to offer the world and when they’re willing to do that and just put it out there, they’re going to be happier, and the world’s going to benefit from that.” – William Arruda, Personal Branding Guru
The Powerful Way Onboarding Can Encourage Authenticity
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