Category: Social Media
How Social Media Is Like a Photo Christmas Card Every Day of the Year
December celebrates connection with holiday gatherings and heartfelt cards, but social media is like sending a holiday card every day of the year. Find out how social media can strengthen your relationships throughout the year, making the time spent together at the holidays even more meaningful.
3 Ways to Improve Facebook Content and Increase Engagement
Facebook remains the top social media platform and should be part of your marketing strategy. Use videos, user generated content, and interactive posts to boost engagement.
How To Integrate Earned, Social And Paid Media For Maximum Engagement
The best brands are everywhere. They don’t rely on one strategy or one platform; they promote themselves in numerous ways, reaching different audiences with each one and maximizing their engagement.
The Benefit of Having an Integrated PR and Social Media Program
Discover why digital media is important to integrate with your public relations efforts, from knowing what you are pitching, to who you are pitching, to hitting send.
Is it Time for a Social Media Audit?
Evaluating the effectiveness of your social media marketing strategy is an extremely valuable tool for maximizing engagement, ensuring brand consistency, and achieving return on investment.
Everything You Need To Know About Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing can be a valuable tool in your toolbox, but before you jump on the bandwagon, find out what techniques would be best for your brand and other valuable information you should be aware of.
How to Build a Personal Brand on LinkedIn and Beyond
Your personal brand is more than your job or your resume; it’s an asset that you will carry with you throughout your career. Using social media, you can create connections, build a network and establish a name for yourself in your industry.
Take Advantage Of Social Engagement To Boost Your Professional Success
The key to branding yourself is the impact you have on others. Elevating your social capital and fostering goodwill takes your brand to another level.
3 Ways To Help Your Hiring Process
Human capital is everything, so find the right employees, and your business will innovate and grow in ways that were once unimaginable.
LinkedIn: Are You Taking Advantage Of The World’s Largest Professional Network?
Most people understand that networking is important to career success, but many fail to harness the full power of LinkedIn.