Posted on: May 7, 2019
Show Notes
Air date: 5/7/2019
About this episode:
Nancy Roberts is the program coordinator for marketing and an instructor at the New England School of Communications. She holds a bachelor’s degree in communications with a minor in graphic design from Central Connecticut State University. She received her master’s degree in business administration from Husson University in Bangor, Maine. She has also earned her Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) from the Public Relations Society of America. Nancy joined the faculty at New England School of Communications in 2007 to develop and lead the marketing communications program. Nancy’s areas of teaching expertise include public relations, marketing and advertising. She founded and advises the Public Relations Student Society of America chapter. Nancy has worked in marketing and public relations for health care and nonprofit organizations for 18 years. She is a graduate of Bangor Region Leadership Institute and Leadership Maine. She is on the Brewer Economic Development Board and Maine Public Relations Council Board of Directors, serving as the accreditation chair. Her personal interests include running, hiking and spending time with her husband and two children.
In this episode:
3:32 – How Nancy got into teaching after a career in public relations.
4:00 – Nancy describes how her combination of degrees made her marketable.
5:30 – Nancy discusses how she created the marketing communications program at NESComm.
6:42 – The two Nancys talk about being their most authentic selves and the journey to become that.
7:08 – How female students are less likely then male students to apply for jobs that they aren’t 100% qualified for and how she encourages them to overcome those fears.
8:54 – How one of Nancy’s students ended up working for a record company by using social media.
9:52 – The story of how Nancy’s network landed her a job teaching.
10:48 – Nancy discusses how recent research shows that social media is making people depressed.
13:00 – The ways Nancy teaches her students to measure success in PR and social media marketing.
18:00 – How the Bangor Region Leadership Institute was great for networking and community building.
20:04 – The ways Nancy has used her experience in the nonprofit sector to help her students get hands-on knowledge.
22:47 – How Nancy’s network has helped her students as well as herself.
24:47 – Nancy shares how she and her co-workers formed a book club to learn ways to communicate with a boss who wasn’t supportive of women.
27:19 – Why Nancy thinks accreditation from the Public Relations Society of America is so helpful to PR professionals.
30:08 – Nancy’s advice to someone starting their career.
On networking: “People should be themselves and be authentic. If you’re genuine and are able to share that with other people, they respond in kind. And that’s really the best way to develop a network.” – Nancy Roberts, Program Coordinator for Marketing, New England School of Communication.
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