Category: Public Relations

Why You Should Use Video and Podcasts for Your Business

The power of human connection was the focus in the second episode of The PR Maven® Podcast with Nancy Marshall as she spoke with her guest, Lori Highby of Keystone Click, a digital marketing agency.

Is Your Website Optimized for Voice Searches? If Not, It Should Be. Here’s Why…

According to media measurement and analytics company comScore, half of all internet searches will be done by voice by the year 2020.

Five Ways to Boost Sales through Public Relations

Public relations is most effective when used in combination with social media, marketing and advertising tactics to achieve the same end goal.

The Value of Writing Guest Opinion Columns and Letters to the Editor

A great way for you to get your name out there and position yourself as a thought leader in your community.

Top 3 reasons to use PR instead of advertising

“What’s the difference between advertising and public relations?” is one of the top questions that we get asked by new and prospective clients.

Harnessing the Power of Conversational Marketing — The Conclusion

Elements of a Conversational Marketing Campaign: As with any marketing strategy, a comprehensive approach will generate far more results than putting all of your eggs into one basket. Following is a list of standard marketing strategies we’ve approached from the conversational marketing perspective:

Harnessing the Power of Conversational Marketing — Part Two

Though the basic principles of conversational marketing have remained unchanged, technology has vastly extended its reach. We can now communicate across the globe at light speed. People are talking again. Social media has enabled us to exchange opinions about anything, from our favorite brand of ice cream to the President’s performance, for the world to read.

Tips for Promoting an Event

Connecting one on one with readers at live events is one of the best ways to build relationships and reader loyalty. Decide how much time you want to spend on the road for your book tour. Be sure to contact local media to generate publicity for each of your stops!

Advertising vs. Public Relations — What is the Difference?

Both advertising and PR help build brands and communicate with target audiences. The most basic difference between them is that advertising space is paid while public relations results are earned.

Maine PR Pro to Give Book Talk at Carrabassett Valley Public Library

I’m excited to be discussing my new book, PR Works!, in Carrabassett Valley, Maine, in November 2015. Here’s the press release with more details. AUGUSTA, Maine – Nancy Marshall, CEO of Nancy Marshall Communications and Carrabassett Valley resident, will be giving a talk about her newly released book, PR Works!, on Saturday, Nov. 28, at […]