Category: Know – Like – Trust
Harnessing the Power of Conversational Marketing — The Conclusion
Elements of a Conversational Marketing Campaign: As with any marketing strategy, a comprehensive approach will generate far more results than putting all of your eggs into one basket. Following is a list of standard marketing strategies we’ve approached from the conversational marketing perspective:
Harnessing the Power of Conversational Marketing — Part Two
Though the basic principles of conversational marketing have remained unchanged, technology has vastly extended its reach. We can now communicate across the globe at light speed. People are talking again. Social media has enabled us to exchange opinions about anything, from our favorite brand of ice cream to the President’s performance, for the world to read.
Harnessing the Power of Conversational Marketing — Part One
Consider this scenario: You arrive at an after-work cocktail party. You see Joan from the office heading in your direction. Mark, another co-worker, walks in behind you. Who do you speak to first? From past experience, you know Joan will talk about her winning golf game, her genius son, and the long hours she’s been putting in for the company. You also know her eyes will be scanning the room throughout the conversation.
Who’s Holding the Monkey?
Recently, I attended a conference and met a vendor whose services interested me. The vendor’s sales representative said to me, "Here, I’ll give you my card, and you can send me your email address, then I’ll send you some information.” Hmm, I thought. I wonder how much money this company is investing to have this sales person at this show. I was totally flabbergasted that he didn’t just offer to take my card and send me a follow-up message.
How Are You Broadening Your Professional Network?
I spent some time this week with my friend Sue Boardman, who is vice president of sales at MassPay, a payroll management company. She is a sales powerhouse and is always working on moving clients from prospects to leads to actual customers.
Stand Out in a Sea of Sameness
In business as in life, it pays to be memorable. Of course, you want to be remembered for the right things. Have you thought about what you’d like to be remembered for?
How to Make an Impression on a New Contact
Listen to them talk and remember their name. My mom taught me one of the most important business lessons even though she wasn’t a business person. As a matter of fact, she was a preschool teacher, and I believe that a lot of the skills and techniques she used with her four-year-old students apply to […]
How to Build Your Professional Brand
I was interviewed by Rigzone Magazine about personal branding for energy industry executives. Here’s a link to the publication.
Dr. Jim Taylor: A sports psychologist who has personally branded himself (without even knowing it!)
I was at a ski race over the weekend at Stowe, Vermont, cheering on my two sons, Jamie and Craig, as they competed in college races. While I was in the base lodge waiting for the second run, I was introduced to Dr. Jim Taylor, who I’ve known of for years as an expert in […]
Audit and Enhance Your Personal Brand in Six Easy Steps
Everyone has a personal brand, whether they are intentional about developing and managing it or not.