Author: Nancy Marshall
Web Marketing Terms Glossary
For a series of speaking engagements on “How to Grow Your Business on the Internet,” I developed this glossary of Web marketing terms; I thought you might be interested in having the terms and definitions. If you are interested in having me come and give this presentation to your group, feel free to contact me […]
Surprise, Surprise! Google is Now Basing its Rankings on What Humans Want
Three Key Takeaways from a new book on SEO in 2014 & Beyond For many years now, search engine optimization has seemed like a mysterious science, where only the tech geeks worked their magic to make websites rise to the top in search rankings. Well, I have good news for all of us mere mortals. […]
Mapping Your Network
“The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.” Epictetus I believe that your network of contacts is the foundation of your brand. The people who are closest to you, who will vouch for you, who will refer you for jobs or business, and who trust […]
“Hello Charlie” — 6 Tips for Public Speaking
Years ago, when I was a recent performing arts graduate, I took part in a nationwide audition for the remake of Charlie’s Angels. Armed with the bravado and naiveté of youth, I made it to the callbacks, which consisted of an interview and screen test. The audition was also covered by a local reporter. Facing […]
Social Media and the 2014 30th Anniversary Trek Across Maine: Building the Momentum
Social media enables those that already know and love your brand to get involved in spreading the word about it. They become loyal members of your team… ambassadors that encourage their own social media followers to engage with your brand, too. From a user perspective, social media is a fun way to connect with others […]
What the Heck is Tumblr?
by Anna McDermott, Marshall Communications Account Executive Keeping up with social media platforms can be a bit daunting at times – there are new ones created constantly and favorites like Facebook keep changing how we use them – even professional social media users find themselves asking questions like “What the heck is Tumblr?” Since I […]
How Social Media Changed Journalism in 5 Days or Less
Last week was rough, to say the least. Across the country, people tuned into the news like never before and attempted to keep up with the ever-changing routes of speculation surrounding the Boston Marathon bombings on Monday. It quickly became apparent that social media would play into this story—after all Twitter broke the story, and […]
Planning for Public Relations at 90 MPH
In the world of public relations, we are always planning one, two, and sometimes even three steps ahead. To further emphasize the importance of planning, I want to share the type of preparation and goal setting involved in my recent work for our client the Maine Beer & Wine Distributors Associationand their spokesperson Olympian Julia Clukey. Olympian […]
Defining and Communicating Your Place Brand with The Marshall Plan®
As the world becomes more and more connected, and as people are more and more mobile, places around the world are competing for dollars, whether it’s tourism dollars or economic development dollars. These places are seeking to define and differentiate what makes them unique, so they can create messages that resonate with their targeted audiences. […]
What Do a Media Reception, Wedding, and Conference Have in Common?
5 Tips to Stay Sane While Planning an Event Some people get a little freaked out when a special event is fast approaching. It might be your dad’s sixtieth birthday, a friend’s baby shower, or an enormous family reunion held at, you guessed it, the [insert your last name here] residence. When people hear Marshall […]