Show Notes

Air Date: 11/14/2023

2023 Golden Microphone Award Celebration With Bob Shultz

In this episode, The PR Maven® Podcast celebrates five years and congratulates Bob Shultz, president and chief financial officer at Puritan Medical Products, for having the most popular episode of the year. Nancy and Bob talk about how Puritan adapted during the COVID pandemic and how they are diversifying now that demand for COVID swabs has decreased. Nancy and Bob also talk about the value of having a finance background in a leadership position.  

3:17 – Bob explains how Puritan adapted to the demand for testing swabs during the COVID pandemic.  

7:39 – Bob talks about the growth at Puritan since he joined Puritan.  

8:36 – Bob describes why he chose to come back to Maine.  

10:14 – Bob shares how having a finance background has helped him in his role as president at Puritan.  

14:43 – Bob talks about being on The PR Maven® Podcast.  

15:47 – Bob explains how Puritan is diversifying as demand for COVID swabs has declined.  

19:36 – Bob shares some resources he finds helpful.  



“Doing whatever it takes to get it done. You can see that in everything that Puritan does and it is a differentiator. We are a company that is in the medical device business, so we have regulatory requirements that we need to meet, but the beauty of a company like Puritan is that we’re nimble enough to be able to get things done that our customer needs done.” – Bob Shultz, president and chief financial officer at Puritan Medical Products 




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Listen to Bob’s first episode on The PR Maven® Podcast.  


About the guest:     

A 1990 graduate from Bowdoin with a major in economics and a minor in government, Bob Shultz started his career at Deloitte where he earned his certified public accountant (CPA) designation. After public accounting, Bob worked in a variety of leadership positions in both financial and operational capacities. These roles allowed him to excel as a business leader given the diversity of experiences. Bob has worked in organizations ranging from start-ups to global Fortune 100 companies and across diverse industries. Prior to joining Puritan, he was the division CFO of one of the largest global operating units of 3M Company.    

At Puritan, Bob is currently the president and chief financial officer. In this role, he is responsible for the day-to-day operations as well as the future strategic direction. This role allows Bob to utilize the totality of his strengths and experiences to partner with the fantastic leadership team and drive profitable growth across all of Puritan’s markets. 


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